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May 19, 2021

3 Ways to Support the Hospitality Industry—From Your Phone

Like so many things, the race was canceled. Soon after, gyms around the country were closed. Suddenly, running — a solo activity that can be done outdoors, away from other people — seems more important than ever, for both our health and our mood.

There have, in the past few weeks, been a myriad of new terms crawling their way into our lexicon. It began with the novelty of the novel coronavirus, then social distancing waltzed in, we started to talk of curves and their flattenings, quarantines and their happenings. The implications of these terms are as in flux as the current situation—which is to say, we’re learning more about them and what they mean to us every moment, every day.

Among them is "shelter in place," a phrase that’s started to have very real effects on our daily lives. As the novel coronavirus spreads across the United States, the term is beginning to take on newfound urgency. But what exactly does it mean?

"Eating dinner alone doesn't have to be a sad affair. If anything, it's a chance to collect your thoughts, to be with yourself and with yourself alone, and to brush off the day's excesses."

Essentially, a shelter-in-place, or stay-at-home, order is a government issued directive that impels citizens to remain in their homes and leave only for essential tasks, such as shopping for food, picking up essential supplies, and caring for loved ones in need. Some government officials, like Governor Cuomo of New York, differentiate between "shelter in place" and "stay at home," adding that the former could cause more panic among the community (though their requirements are, in effect, the same). If you've heard either of these terms used in reference to your region, it's best to check the guidance of your local government to learn about the specifications of the order.

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Shelter in place can easily be confused with two other phrases you might have heard floating around right now: quarantine and isolation. These three terms are, however, pretty different. Quarantine is a recommended state of full separation (that is, not permitting travel outside of the home at all) for people who may have been exposed to an infectious disease, but haven't yet shown symptoms. Isolation, on the other hand, is quarantine (or a full, uninterrupted separation) for those who are sick, in order to prevent them from spreading the disease to others.

Most shelter-in-place orders have been issued at state or local levels and vary place by place, with California being the first state where it's gone into full effect. Some have adopted statewide policies, while others, like Texas, have only implemented the decree in certain counties or cities. For the most part, people can leave their homes if needed, and most non-essential businesses have partially or fully closed. What “non-essential” means is up to local governments to decide, but commonly includes theaters, gyms, salons and barbershops, museums, and concert venues, to name a few. For a general list of essential business, you can look here.

The effects of the different orders have been quite impactful across the nation; according to The New York Times, as of Wednesday, Mar. 26, “196 million people in 21 states, 37 counties and 16 cities are being urged to stay home.” Now, all we can do is remain where we are and wait for the spread of the virus to slow as a result of the reduced interaction.

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